Ellinor for sale
Skrivet av Anders o Cathrine
Our life companion Ellinor is for sale
Ellinor with her old sails

Ellinor has safetly taken us from Sweden, through Europe and the Caribbean Sea to Panama and back to the West Indies where we have found our paradise island.

Ellinor is a one off 48 feet Dick Koopmans cutter, a Dutch quality built aluminium hull from 1987. Her first owner did not save on anything when he built her (estimated new price 14 MSEK). Everything is in the highest quality and she is a ”push button” yacht where all sail handling is simply done by one person supported by hydraulic.

She easily sails 7,5 knots in 40 degrees relative 30-35 knots wind. A wonderful feeling when the weather is demanding. An extra bonus for us is that Ellinor often is looked upon as the most beautiful yacht when moored.

She is very well kept and upgraded during all her years. See photos and specification below. Current position Grenada, West Indies.

Anders Rydin arydin@gmail.com


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